“U životu nije bitno gde se trenutno nalaziš, već šta ćeš uraditi u sledećem koraku – uvek je tvoja sledeća odluka presudna.”
Moje ime je Bojan Mihajlović, autor sam šest knjiga koje su prevedene na 22 jezika.
Moja knjiga “Manipulacija”, napisana na engleskom jeziku, 2018. našla se na listi bestselera New York Timesa, s obzirom na to da je u kratkom vremenskom periodu ostvarila veliki broj prodatih primeraka. Nagrađen sam 2016. kao autor godine na Sajmu knjiga u Beogradu jer sam prodao najveći broj knjiga u jednoj kalendarskoj godini ikada.
Razumevanje ljudskog uma i emocija je moja strast, a svoje znanje iz oblasti kliničkog savetovanja i psihoterapije stekao sam 2024. godine kroz master studije na Univerzitetu u Londonu, Queen Mary.
Kroz rad na direktorskim pozicijama u renomiranim institucijama poput Univerzitetskog kliničkog centra Srbije i Zavoda za psihofiziološke poremećaje i govornu patologiju “Prof. Dr Cvetko Brajović”, stekao sam dragoceno iskustvo koje sa zadovoljstvom primenjujem u svom pristupu i radu sa ljudima.
Osvojio sam dva puta titulu “Menadžer godine” u Srbiji a i u Crnoj Gori, a moje iskustvo sam gradio u mnogim velikim korporacijama poput Google, Audi AG, IHG i Booking.com.
Pružajući podršku mnogim uspešnim menadžerima kroz coaching i mentoring, stvorio sam most između teorije i prakse, omogućavajući im da ostvare svoje ciljeve i ostvare svoj puni potencijal.
Pomogao sam mnogima da prevaziđu traume, izbore se sa napadima panike, pobede depresiju, anksioznost i stres, te životne krize pretvore u prilike. Takođe sam pružio podršku onima koji su imali probleme u partnerskim emotivnim odnosima, pomažući im da prevaziđu teškoće.
Održao sam mnoge obuke i edukacije putem kurseva, uspostavljajući kontakt sa preko 10.000 ljudi. Učestvovao sam kao govornik na javnim događajima i konferencijama kako u Srbiji, tako i u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, deleći svoje znanje iz oblasti psihologije, marketinga i liderstva.
Iako sam odrastao u Beogradu, tokom svog života sam imao priliku da živim i radim kako u Americi, u Čikagu i Nju Jorku, tako i u Nemačkoj, u Kelnu.
Moj rad se temelji na kombinaciji stručnosti, iskustva i empatije kako bih klijentima pružio sveobuhvatan pristup u ostvarivanju izuzetnih rezultata.
U poslovnim krugovima često se ističe da sam lider sa autoritetom, stručnjak za marketing, vizionar koji inspiriše i pokreće poslovne sisteme od nule do uspeha.
Pored svoje diplome iz psihologije, takođe posedujem i diplomu iz marketinga, kao i master sa specijalizacijom u upravljanju projektima.
Dobio nagradu Menadžer godine u Crnoj Gori.
Dobio nagradu godine Direktor godine u državnoj administraciji u Kliničkom centru Srbije.
“Manipulacija” je naziv moje prve objavljene knjige.
Nagrađen sam kao autor godine na Sajmu knjiga u Beogradu.
“LIKE” je naziv moje druge objavljene knjige.
Na listi New York Times best-selling author.
“What if Your Whole Life Was Based On Manipulation” je naziv moje treće objavljene knjige za USA tržište.
“Invisible Selling” je naziv moje četvrte objavljene knjige za USA tržište.
“Manipulacija – crna psihologija” je naziv osmog izdanja koja je prodata u preko 60.000 primeraka.
“Fokus” je naziv moje pete objavljene knjige.
“Odluka” je naziv moje šeste objavljene knjige.
⁃ 2021, University of Belgrade, PhD, Internet of things (IoT)
⁃ 2012, University of Belgrade, Master of Engineering Management, Project Management
⁃ 2008, University of Belgrade, Bachelor of Science – BS, Marketing
He has written over 100 professional articles in the field of business management, people’s skills, eCommerce, marketing strategy, SaaS, mobile app strategy and web development that have been published in various famous portals, blogs, and magazines.
Since 1999 he is in web development using PHP, Java Script, HTML and CSS3. He can create web applications and manage web projects with ease.
Editor in Chief
He is Editor in Chef for Magazine “ITA” in Chicago.
He has held more than 300 trainings in digital marketing. His workshops have been attended by over 20,000 people from many companies in Europe. He considers education and business skills to be crucial in modern times of crisis.
2011 as the manager of the year in Montenegro 2013 as director of the year in the public sector in Serbia
Escaping corporate life
He started career at InterContinental Hotels Group. It is a hospitality company listed on the London Stock Exchange and a member of the FTSE 100 Index. The company, its people and perks were amazing. He managed the online purchase of accommodation in Serbia which was previously unknown in this region. Within a year Bojan contributed to InterContinental Belgrade to become no1 hotel by occupancy and revenue. He also guided other hotel owners to implement the same mechanism to boost their revenue as well. His work took him from Serbia to Montenegro to Germany and Netherlands all the while helping people in Hotel Industry.
But he wanted to explore newer horizons. So, He steps into automotive industry, more precisely – AUDI AG. When He was living in NY, prior his engagement in InterContinental Hotels Group, He was a Sales Advisor in Audi. He really loves cars and this experience helped him to grab a job in Audi. During his tenure as a leader – Direcor of AUDI. AUDI had overtaken the largest market share in premium segment. Audi successfully surpassed our competitors BMW and Mercedes-Benz.
The largest Health Care Institution in Belgrade is Clinical Centre of Serbia. It was mired in issues and he was invited by the Government to take over managing position for non-medical operations. He had the confidence to solve critical issues, but he had to learn about healthcare and learn fast. That year, the Government recognized him as the director of the year in public administration.
But he wasn’t feeling the whole ‘corporate vibe’ and hated being limited by a salary.
So, He quit to start his own business!
Entrance to entrepreneurship
He launched a business called kopaonik.net the first website for mountain “Kopaonik”. It was an all-in-one portal that covered accommodation booking, finding what to do, where to eat or find ski instructor for hire. He had at the same time another project selling discounted Fragrances, Cologne, and Perfumes online via social media. After a while he sold both business and invested the profits to open a restaurant. The restaurant was featured on national tv as best place to eat crepes. He sold it when it was at the pinnacle of operations.
Moving onto something bigger
Selling online was great, but he realized he wanted to make a more meaningful impact. So He moved back to US. First, He started working in Software company “m2m in motion” building marketing strategy from scratch – SaaS. After a successful stint there, he entered Compass Holding, the largest company in Chicago. He was in charge for entire corporate marketing. After I year he quit to start his own business. (Marketing – Advertising Agency
The main focus of my company was to create online strategy for entrepreneurs. His clients healthcare industry, software industry, trucking industry, hotel industry, real estate industry and events industry
What I’m up to now
His biggest focus is to continue to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses online. It’s the most valuable, fulfilling, and enjoyable work I’ve ever done.
He is always open for new clients and they are most welcome to contact him anytime.
Just send him a message 🙂
His is excited to keep helping more people to live, work and succeed at what they truly love.